Repairing Winter Damage: Fixing Bare Patches and Thinning Grass

If you want a gorgeous green lawn all summer long, you must repair the winter damage that happens to your grass. During the winter a lot can happen to your lawn, and if you don’t do some damage control, you might see a spotty, unattractive lawn all year. Here are some tips on how to recover from winter lawn damage.

Winter Damage

First, let’s take a look at what we mean by winter damage. While grass is dormant during the winter it’s exposed to chilly temps, snow, or ice. All of these factors can contribute to damage. It can show up as diseases such as grass death or a slow spring green up. You’ll start to see your damaged spots in early spring which is also the time to take action.

Winter Damage Made Worse

Several things can make this winter damage even more. Poorly drained soil is one culprit. These are areas of low-lying grass where water tends to build up. This will stop good growth come springtime. Another problem is north-facing slopes. These are spots in the yard where sunshine doesn’t warm the soil enough to encourage good growth and greenery. Shady spots can also contribute to poor grass growth and winter damage. If you already had bare patches going into the winter, these will likely be even bigger now during the beginning of spring. Grass that is located close to hardscape elements can also suffer.

Repairing the Damage

Now, let’s talk about how to repair the damage. If you’re not sure where to start, our services for lawn care in Bucks County, PA can help. The first step in repairing damage is to remove dead or matted patches of grass. This is sometimes called dethatching. A metal rake can be pulled across the lawn on the back of a riding mower. You then remove the dead mats and add them to your compost pile. Next, weeds need to be removed along with debris like twigs. You’ll want to treat and control weeds at this point as well. Your soil may need to be fixed with a topdress if it’s hard compacted.

Get started on proper watering techniques as well. Most types of grass need deep, infrequent watering as this helps roots to grow deep. It also helps grass to be more resilient to extremes. Finally, you should plant grass for bare patches. Rake the soil and apply seed to the spots. Cover with soil and water.

Boosting Spring Greenup

Not only should you spend some time repairing winter damage, but you’ll also want to take some steps to encourage your spring greenup. It’s best to enlist the help of professionals to deal with your spotty lawn in Blue Bell. To assist with greenup, you can apply a fertilizer that contains the right amounts of iron and nitrogen. Iron ensures that grass stays greener longer and can cause a greenup to happen more quickly. The nitrogen encourages strong growth for a dense turf. You can accomplish this without harsh chemicals.

It’s also important that you don’t do things that could contribute to further grass death. For instance, you need to keep your lawn free of debris such as leaves. When debris is allowed to sit on the lawn for long periods, the grass will quickly die beneath it.

If you’re looking for excellent lawn care services in your area, please contact EMC Lawncare. To get the best results for your property, you need professional help. We are here for your lawn and landscaping needs.