What is Grub Control?

If untreated, lawn grubs—such as Japanese Beetles—will eat the grass roots from under the soil, leaving sections of lawn completely dead. To prevent this, we use a granular product right before their hatching season usually around early summer.  

FAQs About Grub Control Services

What is grub control, and why is it essential for my lawn?

Grub control is a crucial aspect of lawn care that involves managing and preventing infestations of lawn-damaging grubs. Grubs are the larvae of beetles that feed on grassroots, leading to brown patches and weakened turf. EMC Lawncare's experts provide specialized services to identify, treat, and prevent grub infestations. Timely grub control helps maintain a healthy and vibrant lawn by preserving the integrity of the grassroots.

How can I identify if my lawn has a grub problem?

Signs of a grub infestation include irregular brown patches on your lawn, increased animal activity (such as birds or raccoons digging for grubs), and weakened grass that easily lifts like a loose carpet. EMC Lawncare's professionals are trained to assess your lawn's condition and use their expertise to identify the presence of grubs. Early detection is key, allowing prompt and effective treatment to prevent further damage.

What methods does EMC Lawncare employ for grub control?

EMC Lawncare employs environmentally friendly and targeted approaches for grub control. This may include the application of specialized insecticides or the use of beneficial nematodes. The frequency of grub control services depends on factors such as the severity of the infestation, local climate, and the specific type of treatment used. Our experts will assess your lawn's needs and recommend a customized plan, ensuring that your lawn remains grub-free and healthy throughout the year.

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