What types of fertilizer you should be using for different times of the year

Seasonal Fertilizer Guide for Your Lawn

Fertilizer is a critical part of maintaining a healthy lawn. There are many different types of fertilizer out on the market, and it can be hard to figure out which one to use at what times of the year. The most important thing about fertilizing your lawn is making sure you spread it evenly throughout the whole yard. This means you can’t just fertilize one side of your property while the other is left to fend for itself. This guide from EMC Lawncare, a company that provides lawn care services in Doylestown, Pa, will come in handy when fertilizing your lawn is the concern. Our team of experts knows which fertilizer works best in topsoil in Bucks County throughout the year.

Springtime Fertilizing

There are two main types of fertilizer out there: slow release and quick release. Slow-release fertilizers are always the best type to use because they provide nutrients that last into the next week or so. You don’t want to spread something on your lawn that is just going to wash away with the next rainfall event. Springtime fertilizer will give your grass plenty of nutrients for growth after winter has worn it down and browned the lawn. Be sure to spread either a 24-4-8 or 16-16-16 fertilizer. These numbers signify the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively.

Lawns that are north of you will need more fertilizer than lawns that are south of you. It is best to split up the application evenly through the spring and early summer.

Mid-Season Fertilizing

By the middle of summer, you should start to see your lawn lose its green color and turn brown. This is a sign that it no longer needs fertilizing, and you should stop spreading mid-season fertilizer right away because too much nitrogen will burn the roots of your grass. If your lawn is still green at this point, then you should either wait or dig up a sample of your grass to see what the actual nitrogen level is. If it is still green, you can spread mid-season fertilizer in late summer through early fall.

Late Season Fertilizing

Around late September to early October is when you will want to stop fertilizing again because this is when your grass will go dormant for the winter. If it is still warm out at this time of year, then you should wait to fertilize until cool weather sets in. Not only does this prevent any nitrogen from burning your lawn, but it also gives the fertilizer a chance to work before winter arrives and kills off all of your grass.

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