5 Common Winter Lawn Insects To Prepare For

Year after year your lawn goes through seasonal changes. From brown to green, and from dry to moist. This is a normal process for your lawn. However, what is not normal are the pests that destroy and feast on your lawn. Insects are part of the ecosystem, but they should not be a part of your everyday life.

There are at least 5 insects you need to be on the lookout for. These insects are not lawn friendly. They can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in restoration fees.


These bugs are versatile. During the winter they hide underneath the soil until the spring when they emerge and begin wreaking havoc on your lawn. They destroy the very root of your grass shoot, and they are an excellent source of moles.


Ticks live on lawns during the coldest winter month. Nevertheless, they are most active during the spring and summer months. They survive by seeking out shelter in warm places and emerging when the weather is just right.

Chinch Bugs

These bugs are almost indestructible. They survive the harshest winters, and feast on the greenest grass. The liquid these bugs inject kills your grass leaving it dry and withered. Clinch bugs are perhaps one of the deadliest bugs to look out for on your lawn.


These tiny industrious insects are not as innocent as they appear to be. They can survive through the winter by relying on their body to preserve them. During the fall seasons, ants eat fats, carbs, and other nutrients to keep their body in a dormant state. While in this state they can survive through the winter and wreak havoc in the summer.


Unlike most insects like ants and clinch bugs, beetles do not go into a dormant state. They remain active even through the winter months. They burrow down inside the soil and hide out until the summer months and emerge with a vengeance.

Give Us A Call

You need to trust your lawn to a company with a reputation for excellence. EMC Lawncare in Bucks County offers professional lawn services for residential and commercial customers in and around Bucks County. We are committed to treating your lawn with the pride and respect that you take in caring for it.

Our team of experts is up to date on the most recent and effective lawn treatment methods. This means that our customers get quality service from real professionals.

Bucks County Lawn Service is a specialty service we provide all year round for the customers of Bucks County and its surrounding area. Having a spotty lawn in Doylestown requires the skill of lawn care professionals 

Never assume that winter insects are not destructible. An inspection and treatment of your lawn can protect your lawn all year long. Contact our office for a free quote at (267) 718-5952 and schedule your lawn care service right away.

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