5 Must-Do’s For Fall Clean Up

If you are new to owning a home or haven’t been concerned with yard cleanup at your own home in the past, there are some things to keep in mind for this task. It can seem like a large and overwhelming project at first, but it’s worthwhile to do this to prepare before winter comes. You might even get your whole family to take part in the process!

When to Start Fall Yard Cleanup

It’s best to begin your cleanup at the start of the Fall season. This is because you’ll likely have fairly nice weather still and you won’t be in such a rush to finish up for the day and get out of the cold. Also, it’s a good idea to get this done before the busy preparation starts for the holidays. You can devote just a day each week to cleaning a small portion of your yard, or you can go heavy on these tasks every weekend until you’re done with it.


First, you’ll need to dethatch your lawn. Dethatching your lawn may be an entirely foreign concept, but it’s an important part of getting your outdoor space in good shape for the winter. The thatch of your lawn is likely very dense and this can prevent your lawn from getting the nutrients and sunshine that it needs.

This task will require you to use a hard rake to remove the thatch, and it may be a lengthy process depending on the size of your yard. Our lawn care in Bucks County, PA can help you out with this task! 

Clean Up of Garden Beds & Other Areas

Even though the gardening season may be over, you don’t want to neglect your garden beds too soon. While you’re doing the rest of the yard cleanup, make sure that you clean the garden beds. It’s ideal to put new plants in the ground that can remain there until Spring. You don’t have to cut back perennials and it’s even a good idea to leave them so that pollinators have a home throughout the Winter. Additionally, apply any treatments to set your garden and lawn up for success come Spring. With our lawn treatments in Lansdale, your yard will be ready to cultivate abundant crops next season! 

Put in Mulch

After you have cleaned your garden beds, it’s time to place some mulch over them. Whether you use wood chips or leaves that come from your yard is up to you. When you add a mulch layer during the Fall, this is almost as though you’re putting on another blanket when you go to sleep. This is because it gives the root system protection during the Winter months and it helps the bed to retain water. It also prevents weeds from developing in your garden space.

Trim Branches

If you have damaged or dead branches on your trees or bushes, it’s important to remove them to improve airflow when leaves drop and help prevent the plant from developing disease. Cold climates with snow have an increased risk because the snow will pile up and can damage the plants if you leave these branches on them. Avoid removing branches later in the season since the freeze and frost can cause further damage if the plant tissue becomes exposed to the elements.

Contact Our Lawn Care Specialists

You don’t have to stress about doing all of your Fall yard cleanup by yourself. Call the experts at EMC Lawn Care! We’d love the opportunity to help get your yard ready for the cold months.

Categories: Maintance